I can hardly stand to turn on the news anymore, but I do. What am I, a glutton for punishment? It would appear so. It is hard to watch the events of our day without feeling a little overwhelmed, even scared. Terrosism, the on-going wars, a financial crisis that is threatening the very foundation of this country. Wow, how are we keeping our sanity?
My fear is, some of us are struggling to do just that. The idea of living life to its fullest seems like a pipe dream right now. Well, God forgive us!
I was just listening to one of my favorite groups, DC Talk, and one of my favorite songs, Jesus Freak. In the second verse it goes like this " I am lofty, they see me as weak, cause I won't live and die for the power they seek". Now bear with me, what is the power they seek? It's all the things of this world friend. It's wealth, power, prestige, all the glitz, even the security! The decay we see around us should not come a surprise. Its all temporal and our imagined security, is just that. I know its scary, I know its hard to focus on whats important, but to whom do you belong? To this world? Or to Jesus, the King of Kings, the Master of all?
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Phil. 4:8 NKJV
Some good advice! Let us resolve to have a new focus! A focus on the pure, the beautiful, the righteous. Open the sriptures, find a good book, enjoy some good classical music, visit an art museum, expand our realationships with friends and family.
Guys and Gals we have lost our focus. We have put our hopes and faith in our worldy possesions, our government, our wealth, our power. It's an illusion. Turn it off! He is still in control and we are in his hands. Let us fall to our knees and ask his forgiveness for our lack of faith and Lord help me to practice what I preach. Amen
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15 years ago
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