Friday, February 27, 2009

I am a dreamer! An idealist! I love to think big and I am always hoping for the best. I strongly and passionately believe in the strength and goodness of the human spirit. We are made in the image of God. There is nothing we can't do or accomplish! And I know he came to give us all AN ABUNDANT LIFE!

But I have a problem! How do I make this application in my own life. How can I believe and expect the best for "humanity" but exclude myself from that equation? I am lost,needing some direction; searching and seeking what it means to live life and to live it more abundantly. I want to live a life worth living. I want to make a difference for people! I suspect,most of us are lost, empty, hurting and sometimes scared. I want to make a difference!

Maybe you have the same problem. Maybe you want to believe with all of your heart that there is more to this life than meets the eye. Maybe you are looking, like me, for a purpose.

On this page, I hope to include the things that move me and inspire me. some things that are helping me in this journey. I hope you find the meanderings on this page useful in your search as well.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you've started a journey. I'm happy for you. I love what you have to say, especially your last post. All the other commandments fall under loving others. If we loved each other we wouldn't steal, cheat, hate, be envious, etc.

    I hope that I touch each one of my students on a daily basis. I pray that I love them and teach them how to love. The majority of my students have been abused and have abused themselves. They have so many walls built around them. They don't care about themselves or the world around them. I believe we can change the world one person at a time - by love.

    I know you've been having some physical problems and I just want you to know that you've been in my prayers.

